I don't know about you but I've had a lot of these things happen to me and I regretfully have to say that I have gotten upset over these things. As a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints I try my best to represent Jesus Christ, but some days it is hard. One of the most challenging but most rewarding attribute of Christ I've been working to acquire is love. Jesus Christ not only asked us, but commanded us to love one another.
So how is that we can follow this commandment when sometimes it seems so difficult? How can we follow this when we get so irritated at people's actions? First we must first recognize why it is that we are asked to emulate Christ and love everyone. So why did Christ ask us to love one another? It is because we are all sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father. God wants His children to learn respect for each other. Just as any parent wants their children to love one another, God too wants His children to love each other. He knows that for us to be the happiest we cannot have resentment; we must have love.
everyone is to pray for the ability to find love in everyone. We are taught to "pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love" Prayer really does work. I personally know that God does listen to our prayers and will answer them. Praying for love and patiently waiting for God to help us will pay off.
We must make sure to have patience when trying to love everyone. For me I am still working on loving everyone. If you are like me, then it takes some patience mastering this quality. If we mess up we shouldn't get discouraged. We must quickly repent and try again. Having patience with ourselves is the key to forming lasting qualities.
Loving people when they don't love me hasn't been the easiest. One thing that has helped me to love those who don't love me comes from my favorite saying "Fake it 'till you make it." I know this expression is overused but it is my favorite. Sometimes I just have to act like I love someone until I actually do love them. I know it's probably not the best words of advice but it has really helped me. Serving a mission, I have had a lot of people say some rude things to me but I just put on a smile and tell them I love them. It's hard at first but after a few times it becomes fun and enjoyable and after a while I really do begin to love those people. I know it sounds weird but it works! When someone does something frustrating, shrug it off and show love toward them.
Jesus Christ really has asked us to love one another. When someone cuts us off, says something rude to us, or brakes a promise, we need to remember that nothing good will come from hate and resentment. If we love all people, we will become the happiest. Remember that we can't change the way that others act but we can change our reactions their actions. Reacting with love will make the greatest impact. Lets make it a goal and try to find more love in people every day. I know that loving one another is the greatest way we can show love to our God.
elder stradling this was a great post! love it!