
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Practicing Patience

Growing up I’ve come across a lot of people who I admire and look up to.  One of my biggest role models is my dad.  Why do I say my dad is one who I admire?  Well, that is simple.  He had to suffer through raising me.  When I was younger and still to this day am a person who can’t just play video games or watch television for hours on end.  I have always had to be doing something and somehow it seemed doing something would lead to breaking something. 
         I remember days where I would go out and try to build something outside.  Usually I would get started and my short attention would fly somewhere else.   Then the next day my dad would go fire up the lawn mower and mow away.  Then without fail he would accidently run over my half-done project and half of his tools that were buried by the tall grass.  Never did my dad yell or scream at me.  He would simply take a deep breath and politely ask me to make sure and put the tools away the next time. 
         Another day I peeled out of a gravel parking lot, flipped up some rocks, and shot out the windows of my friend’s car that was parked behind me.  I remember calling my dad, trying to make light of the situation but expecting a stern punishment, but all I got was “Well we better go get some new windows for you friend.”  He never yelled or punished me.  All he showed was PATIENCE. 
When I was in the hospital, suffering through pneumonia and not knowing how everything was going to end, I remember my dad taking time off work to stay days and nights with me.  For nights he would sleep restlessly next to me in a chair near my bed making sure I was in good care and never alone.  Although he was missing meetings and time at work, he never got upset or argued about the situation.  He PATIENTLY waited until I was better.
         The principle my dad has so clearly and precisely taught me is PATIENCE.  To me PATIENCE is being able to calmly and open-mindedly accept what has happened.   It is so important to us to have happiness.  Even Paul in the New Testament teaches how important it is.  In 1st Corinthians Chapter 13 he lists the attributes of charity and states their unfathomable importance.  Four of the verses distinctly and directly talk of PATEINCE.  It states “Charity suffereth long… is not easily provoked… beareth all things… endureth all things.” 
The reason I love learning about PATIENCE so much is because I horrible at it.  Although I have terrible PATIENCE, I’m trying to change.  The examples of PATIENCE give me hope that someday I can emulate those qualities as well.   In this world IMPATIENCE is the norm.  We see it every day.  People honking in backed up traffic, yelling at slow computers, and getting upset over little things.  It does not bring any happiness and does not do any good. 
         Jesus Christ said to us come follow me.  If there’s any one who’s a perfect example of PATEINCE it’s Christ.  He has gone through it all and endured it well.  We need to follow his example and be more PATIENT.    I know it’s hard to grasp the concept of PATIENCE when our tempers are flared and anxiety is creeping in but it’s so important. Take it from me who knows all about IMPATIENCE.   It will not fix anything or make things go away faster.  In fact, it does the opposite.  Look those who are PATIENT and do your best to follow them.   Make sure and not get discourage.   It takes time to develop but it will come.  Pray with all energy of heart to find PATIENCE.  I will bring peace. 
         I am grateful for a great example of PATIENCE I have seen in my father.  I am still trying to be more PATEINT.  I know how happy we can be if we can develop it.   It is truly something magnificent and something that will bring us success and happiness in life.   Just remember obtaining PATIENCE takes PATIENCE. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this post! I am working on patience as well! One thing that I have noticed patient takes it acting and not reacting to thing. We really have to thing about what we are going to say rather than just spitting something out in spite, and we have to think before acting. When we learn patience, a lot of other worthy qualities come to us as well!
