
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Flying Heavenward

Last winter I took the opportunity to go on a helicopter ride over Utah with my best friend.  It was one of the most fun things I have ever done.  I remember the feeling as we lifted off the ground and ascended higher and higher.  As we got further off the ground, more and more scenes came into view.  We could see the beautiful Christmas lights, the traffic rushing on the highways, and the buildings all lit up.  It was one of the greatest sights I had ever seen.
 The thing that amazed me the most was that this big metal contraption we were in was actually flying!  I asked the pilot tons of questions about the wonderful avionic machine.  The thing that stood out to me the most was that the tilt of the blades above our heads was what determined the flying pattern.  Tiny adjustments to the angle of the rotors could raise us, lower us, and propel us forward.  When the rotors are flat, the air moves around them without any effect.  Although they are whipping around at lightning speed, the helicopter stays still; but when the angle of the blades change, they begin to dig into the air and raise the helicopter.  This is much like life.  When we are running around, just going through the motions of every day activities, we go nowhere.  We are left on the ground seeing only what lies ahead.  With a little change in our lives, we can start to be raised to see a new perspective and broader picture.  We can begin to find enjoyment in life.
Some people might already be flying and that's great.  Stay up there!  But for those who are  like me and find ourselves getting stuck in a rut, let's start flying.  Let's change something and dig in a little more.  It takes effort to get into the air, but it is so worth it.  It doesn't take massive adjustments to get into the air; it starts with little movements that lead to bigger reactions.  Things like scripture study, prayer, and spending more time together as a family are just a few things that can help us get airborne.  I've seen many times where just a few minutes of studying the scriptures has helped me for hours throughout the day.  Prayer is one of the most simple ways to be lifted.  It can seem so simple that sometimes we can easily overlook it.  I know that prayer, just a few minutes of the day, can create peace and a sense of self worth.  It really and truly is a way we can be in communication with our Heavenly Father.  Also, our family on earth is our most important possession. Spending time together as a family in an edifying way is one of the best ways to create lasting happiness. 
I could list off hundreds more of simple ways to get more lift in life and I'm sure everyone else has hundreds more as well.  Remember that it only takes a slight change in the pitch of the rotors to lift a helicopter.  If you can't seem to get off the ground, change a little.  I've seen little changes make the biggest of differences in my life and others.  I know that if we take time to make good changes in our lives that we will be taken Heavenward. We will begin to see the greatest of views and will have the greatest times of our lives. 

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