
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

How did I get here?

Have you ever wondered how you got to where you are today?  I know for me this thought has passed through my head over and over.  I sometimes look at my life right now and wonder "How did I get here?"  I've sometimes wondered if this life is all one big coincidence or if there's a purpose to it all.

When I was a baby I was adopted by my family that has raised me in to what I am now.  I've always thought and pondered what were my odds of growing up in the life I did.  Being adopted has made me really think of what could've happened if things had gone different.  Would I have the same joy I found with the family I've grown to love?  Would I even know any of my friends that have helped me get to where I am now?  What would my life be like if I was born in different circumstances?  After pondering and praying I have gained a conviction that has told me that my loving Heavenly Father carefully chose where I needed to be and placed me here for a reason.  I've really come to realize that God knows me.  He really does love me and wants the best for me.  God is love and He knows where I need to planted to grow the most.

Although our environments might cause heart ache and sorrow at times, God will never put us in a place too dark for us to grow.  He carefully selects the best place for us to live and learn.  Although our surroundings might not seem the most ideal or the most suited for us, they are graciously given to us by a Father who knows what's best.  Sometimes I feel like I can't take any more of life's challenges and that my surroundings are too hard.  I'm sure many others feel the same way.  If you you ever feel this way, just remember that God knows you.  He has placed challenges in our way for a reason.  He knows that without opposition we can never learn

Although I've wondered "why am I here?" and "how did I get here?" many times, my question has been answered and I know that it is no coincidence that I've ended up where I am today.  Our lives have purpose and God knows that purpose.  Trust Him in all things.  Remember that your position in time and place is no accident

1 comment:

  1. You are right. No matter what you are going through your placement in time and place is no accident. Hold fast and have faith. Everything is going to be ok, in fact, it's going to be awesome. God always knows what is best for His children. You are growing and even though it really hurts right now, you will be better for having gone through this challenge. I love you.---Mom
