
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Presumptuous Pitbull

Every day as a missionary I have so many learning experiences.  I've noticed I can have learning experiences in the least expected places.  A few weeks ago as we were walking down a calm neighborhood we spotted a pitbull out in the distance.  As we came closer and closer to it we began to see how friendly it was.  It came to us looking for attention and affection.  As we began to walk away from its home, where it belonged, it started to follow.  Although the young pup knew that it belonged back home, as he wondered farther and farther away it became harder and harder to turn back.  Eventually we were miles away from his home that provided nourishment and shelter to him.   He eventually became weak and tired and did not want to move.   The young dog had no way to get back to his home without guidance from others. Eventually the dog did end up getting back home with of the help of some animal control staff.
I learned a far greater lesson that day than I thought I ever would.  I recognized that this same scenario happens on a daily basis.  Not that two young men in dress clothes lead dogs away from their home, but that people are being lead away from their spiritual home.
As we come to this earth we leave the loving presence of our Heavenly Father.  We know what love and acceptance feel like and want to feel that again.  Some people find acceptance from associating with people who seem to be living an exciting life.  They might seem like they are living an exciting life but in reality they are living contrary to God's commandments.  These people who find acceptance by this begin to lose sight of their Heavenly home.  They slowly forget that they are children of God.  They begin to forget what the commandments are that are here to help us.  Just like the young pup, they begin to wander farther and farther from home.  Eventually they lose complete sight of where they were before.  They begin to feel frightened; they begin to feel week; and they begin to feel spiritually exhausted.
Although many of God's children have wandered, they are not lost to Him.  He knows where they are and has placed people in their path to help them.  Just like the animal control staff that helped the dog, there are people out here to spiritually rescue us.  They can point these people in the right direction and can give them a map that shows them the way back.  They know for themselves that faith in Jesus Christ and repentance are the course that will bring them back home.
If you are someone who feels lost from home, seek out the rescuers.  They can help you.  The can come in the form of friends that care about you, family that loves you, people that work with you, or even someone on the street.  Tell them who you are and that you want to get back home.  If you are someone who is looking for acceptance, look to God.  Look to your true friends.  Don't start wandering with those who lead you astray.  If you are someone who knows where you are going and is on the right path, you are a rescuer.  Look for those who are lost and show them the way back.
I know that no one is too lost.  God does know where each of us is at.  For some the map back home might be more lengthy but it is worth it.  Home is where you want to be.  God loves each and every one of His children and wants us all back with Him.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Good Attitudes Are Life's Safeguards

Life is full of challenges and trials.  Have you ever wondered how to safeguard your life to make sure you end up having happiness?  I know I've often wondered how to get through life unscathed by sorrow and hardships.

I've learned through much thought and prayer that we are given trials out of love.  God places challenges in our paths to help guide and mold us into what He knows we can become.  He also gives us our free agency to choose how to act when obstacles are put in our path.  It's our decision to either accept our trials with a good attitude and look to learn from them or let them burden us and try to hide and run from them.   I know that God is our LOVING Heavenly Father and He wants the best for us.  When we accept our struggles with a good attitude and recognize that they are given to us to learn, we will find ourselves better than before.  We will find happiness.  Good attitudes really are life's safeguards.

Trials are an inescapable part of life.  They are going to come, but if we receive them with a good attitude we will end up where God ultimately wants us to be.  We will learn what we need to learn and find true happiness. 

Whenever our Mission President would receive a call from a distressed missionary facing adversity, he would reply to them by saying "Good, you are going to learn something today."  Remember that good attitudes are the catalyst to learning.  When we positively turn to God in our trials and ask Him to reveal to us what we are to learn, He will give us the answer.  For those of you who are a lot like me and didn't recognize that we need good attitude to stay happy in times of sorrow, you can never be too far lost or miserable to start having a good attitude.  If you start having  a good attitude right now, you will find happiness and will end up on the road God wants you to be on.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

How did I get here?

Have you ever wondered how you got to where you are today?  I know for me this thought has passed through my head over and over.  I sometimes look at my life right now and wonder "How did I get here?"  I've sometimes wondered if this life is all one big coincidence or if there's a purpose to it all.

When I was a baby I was adopted by my family that has raised me in to what I am now.  I've always thought and pondered what were my odds of growing up in the life I did.  Being adopted has made me really think of what could've happened if things had gone different.  Would I have the same joy I found with the family I've grown to love?  Would I even know any of my friends that have helped me get to where I am now?  What would my life be like if I was born in different circumstances?  After pondering and praying I have gained a conviction that has told me that my loving Heavenly Father carefully chose where I needed to be and placed me here for a reason.  I've really come to realize that God knows me.  He really does love me and wants the best for me.  God is love and He knows where I need to planted to grow the most.

Although our environments might cause heart ache and sorrow at times, God will never put us in a place too dark for us to grow.  He carefully selects the best place for us to live and learn.  Although our surroundings might not seem the most ideal or the most suited for us, they are graciously given to us by a Father who knows what's best.  Sometimes I feel like I can't take any more of life's challenges and that my surroundings are too hard.  I'm sure many others feel the same way.  If you you ever feel this way, just remember that God knows you.  He has placed challenges in our way for a reason.  He knows that without opposition we can never learn

Although I've wondered "why am I here?" and "how did I get here?" many times, my question has been answered and I know that it is no coincidence that I've ended up where I am today.  Our lives have purpose and God knows that purpose.  Trust Him in all things.  Remember that your position in time and place is no accident